Today's school was alright :D Because there isn't any Maths lesson! Laughs*

So today's lesson was all somehow quite relaxing too.
After school, headed to drive thru mac with Yixiu & Xuejun.
Had a very very full lunch! I shall sho you guys our food..
Miko left her wallet in Xuejun;s bag, so Cassandra & Jingwen accompanied her to look for us.
Started cam-whoring when they reached mac (:
Left mac @ about 3, intend to walk back home. But walked halfway, it started to rain.
So walked to interchange with Yixiu. On the way saw Peng Seng & SayJong.
They claimed they won their match,
but I didnt believe 'cos I was tricked by PengSeng once =S
PengSeng asked me to treat him drink if its true.
Whatever, i agree. I'll treat him water cooler if its true :D
Was fooling around with Yixiu- that mad girl on the way to the Interchange =X She's an idiot lah! :DDD
Took 806 home after that (: