A trip down to Science Center :D So coool right? Aha, had a presentation by this scientist?/lecturer? from i forgotten which country. He's soooo cool & humorous okay! & he make science sound so fun, not like school's lessons- theory and more theory... After the talk, we were allowed to roamed the whole science center by ownselves for like one & a half hour. So we just walk around & blah blahhhhh~
& I did something very dumb, I was walking out of the toilet and I saw this guy's backview who was from another class, & I thought he was my classmate/besty, so I talked to him in a "hey bestie, what's up?" way. And when he look back, I was like- "omg, how embrassing!" & the worst is, all my friends were around me, they were like giving me this "you know this guy? look", So I told them, wrong person -.- Ohmygoodnessssssss~ I don't know how to face this guy if I see him in school =X
Okay, enough of this. Bussed back to school at around 5.45, the journey back was so so fun!
Entertained by besties :D Man, I love them!

& I did something very dumb, I was walking out of the toilet and I saw this guy's backview who was from another class, & I thought he was my classmate/besty, so I talked to him in a "hey bestie, what's up?" way. And when he look back, I was like- "omg, how embrassing!" & the worst is, all my friends were around me, they were like giving me this "you know this guy? look", So I told them, wrong person -.- Ohmygoodnessssssss~ I don't know how to face this guy if I see him in school =X
Okay, enough of this. Bussed back to school at around 5.45, the journey back was so so fun!
Entertained by besties :D Man, I love them!