I Love my art teacher alright? He rocks my ass, my socks, my hands, legs, brains, eyes, nose off man! Gagagagaaaaaaa :D He's just oh-so-coooool~ Yay! Tmr's got art lesson againnnnn! muahmuah* haha! Had training after school today. So sweysxsxzxzx can! I was being "headshot" twice, one time by Crysy with a volleyball and the second time was by Huichan with a netball, the impact was likeeeee, i almost fainted (just trying to exagerrate alil -.-) Homed with aches here and there. Tmr's CCA orientation for sec onesssssss! I hope its gonna be fun! I bet it will, with all my ever-lovely teammates, laughters' always around! :D

PS: YOU guys dont know how i feel at all.