Normal schoool lesson, daily routine. But, dued to examinations, we had to clear all our books. And yes, ALL. I carried till my arms hurts now. Sucker. Headed home straight after, bathe and lunched with mom. TTSH after that to visit my aunt as she had a fall. Visited till about 6.30, AMK hub with mom for dinner and shop. Mom wanted to get me a set of clothes, but I bought a top only. No bottom caught my eye ): Pooooos, when will mommy be so good again? Homed at 9, revised alil on English.
Very very stress. English paper today. Overall was still alright, but but... I dont know if i could pass, Mrs Rag ain't going to be lenient on marking ): Physics retest after paper 2. Comfrim fail. Nothing much, MT paper 2 tmr.