School as usual, stayed back for maths remedial by Mr Phua.
Didn't went for Netball photo-taking cos i forgotten to bring training tee.
Get to that many wore their uniform for photo taking also _l_
Parent meeting in the evening.
Sibei boring. Mrs Ow complained bout lanyard, claiming that carrying your mobile phone around your stomach or whatever can cause cancer -.-
Failed maths.
Tuition. Church. Supper with Grace, Babychong, Shimin.

School as usual, stayed back for maths remedial by Mr Phua.
Didn't went for Netball photo-taking cos i forgotten to bring training tee.
Get to that many wore their uniform for photo taking also _l_
Parent meeting in the evening.
Sibei boring. Mrs Ow complained bout lanyard, claiming that carrying your mobile phone around your stomach or whatever can cause cancer -.-
Failed maths.
Tuition. Church. Supper with Grace, Babychong, Shimin.